Broad-Spectrum Parasite Prevention for Pets in Monroe Township, NJ

Parasites are not just a nuisance for you and your pet—they can transmit serious diseases that can cause lifelong damage, such as heartworm disease and Lyme disease. At Monroe Parke Veterinary Hospital, we provide comprehensive parasite prevention plans to ensure your pets stay safe from harmful parasites year-round!

Parasite Prevention For Pets In Monroe Township Nj
Cat Sitting In Middle Of Field

Mosquitoes and Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition that affects dogs, cats, and any mammal, although canines are the preferred host of this parasitic worm. Transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, heartworms can infect any pet, indoors or out. Once infected, heartworms can cause severe damage to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, and in advanced cases, it can be fatal.

Treatment for heartworm disease in dogs is costly, complicated, and harsh on the canine patient, with the potential for life-threatening adverse effects. For cats, there is no treatment available for heartworm disease.

The good news is that heartworm disease is entirely preventable with regular use of heartworm preventives. Our team will recommend the best heartworm prevention strategy based on your pet’s needs, ensuring year-round protection from this life-threatening parasite.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms are common in pets, especially those who spend time outdoors. These parasites can be contracted through contaminated soil, water, or by ingesting infected animals or feces. Left untreated, intestinal parasites can cause digestive issues, weight loss, and anemia, and some can even be transmitted to people.

Regular fecal exams and broad-spectrum preventives help keep your pet free from intestinal parasites. If an infection is detected, we will provide the appropriate deworming treatment to quickly eliminate the parasites and restore your pet’s health.

Dog Licking Paws


Fleas are not just a summer problem in New Jersey; they can survive indoors year-round, making flea prevention a necessity no matter the season. Flea infestations can lead to intense itching, allergic reactions, and tapeworm infections if a pet ingests an infected flea.

Preventing fleas is much easier than treating an infestation. We recommend a regular flea preventive to keep your pet comfortable and your home flea-free. Flea prevention is especially important in multi-pet households, as fleas can quickly spread from one pet to another.

Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases

New Jersey’s wooded areas and tall grasses provide the perfect habitat for ticks, which are carriers of several dangerous diseases. Preventing tick bites—and removing ticks immediately—is imperative for reducing your pet’s risk of these diseases:

Lyme Disease: Lyme disease is caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of a black-legged tick (also known as a deer tick). Symptoms include joint pain, fever, and lethargy, but it can lead to long-term complications and lifelong infection.

Ehrlichiosis: This tick-borne disease can cause fever, weight loss, and blood abnormalities, and it can become chronic if not caught early.

Anaplasmosis: Transmitted by ticks, anaplasmosis can cause symptoms similar to Lyme disease, such as lethargy and joint pain, and can sometimes be accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea.

Regular tick prevention is essential to keep your pet safe from these serious illnesses. Our team can recommend a combination of monthly tick preventives and vaccines, like the Lyme disease vaccine, to provide maximum protection. Additionally, we advise conducting regular tick checks, especially after spending time outdoors.

Cat Stretching

Year-Round Parasite Prevention

Parasites don’t take breaks, and neither should your pet’s prevention plan. In New Jersey, where parasite threats are present in every season, we recommend using year-round preventives that cover multiple types of parasites, including fleas, ticks, and heartworms.

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